Blog Archives

Brand: it’s the heart of your business strategy.

There’s a common misconception in business – a misguided perception among many business owners and executives that business strategy is strategic, and brand strategy is a marketing tool – i.e. not a strategic asset. Be warned – this oversight could seriously impair your outlook, undermine your businesses’ bottom line as well as severely hamper your potential business growth.

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Brand: it’s your strategy, ‘beyond the superficial’.

Your brand is far more than just a logo, a name, a tagline or even a clever slogan. There needs to Be more substance to your brand in today’s world than just the superficial. All style and no substance no longer makes for an effective brand. And your customers know it.

Engaging with a graphic designer or hiring a creative agency to design your logo, or appointing a marketing consultant to develop a tagline or slogan will only get you so far when it comes to business growth. Successful businesses that are serious about growth…

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Brand: it’s your call to action.

Building a brand is the most effective way of elevating your business beyond ‘commodity status’ – that’s to say – ensuring your business does not compete on price alone with your competitors. In this unfortunate scenario there’s never, ever a winner, not even the consumer, who in extreme cases ends up with either (at best) a long-term depressed local economy with little choice or variety, or at worst insolvency of large parts of the local economy and a heavy social cost as a result. Brand therefore becomes the ‘smart choice‘ for any business with the intention of growing or securing a position in the market, because it…

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Brand: What’s the ‘right’ message to send for your business?

My last blog focused on the benefits of investing in effective graphic design to leave a ‘good’ first impression for your brand (it sets the tone for the rest of the business relationship). If ‘perception is everything’ in brand and in business, then it’s in your businesses best interests to… build a positive and effective identity, find your voice and…

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Brand: ‘Good’ design leaves a good impression.

First impressions count in business. But what message or impression are you currently sending to the market about your respective business through your communication tools, marketing campaigns, messages and channels? And is it the ‘right’ message for your business?

Second impressions count too of course, but they tend to be more expensive, require more time, more resources, and much more effort to redeem the initial missed opportunity.

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Brand: its your customer service

Your customer service is an expression of your brand (and vice versa) – remember, brand is all about how you’re perceived by your desired customers – so how are you treating your current customers lately? Why? Because it could make or break your brand.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

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Brand: who really builds your brand?

As Elon Musk once stated, ‘brand is essentially just a perception’. I wonder what Tesla himself would have said? To clarify, when talking about perception, it’s the tangible expression of an idea or, in its purest form, a mental construct or ‘collective impression’ (Elon again). It is essential, however, that this core ‘idea’ or essence be based on

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Brand: the power of the Word.

Words or ‘copy’ are often overlooked in brand and marketing.
It’s a question of perspective: as customers, we’re all conditioned to believe that ‘words are just words right?’ And ‘talk is cheap’? or ‘he or she’s all talk?’ We don’t need words, we need action right!? Wrong.

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