Blog Archives

Brand: What’s your value?

A successful brand ‘resonates’ with a select part of the market. It starts with the customer and has ‘the end’ in mind.

Actually a brand starts with a ‘value’ or series of congruent values that energetically resonate with a target customer, however your customer needs to buy into your ‘values’ to ensure that it resonates deeply. That’s why it’s a crucial step to identify both

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The success in failure

As business owners we’ve all experienced failure. I don’t think I’ve met too many people who admit to or enjoy the feeling. Like everyone I’ve had my share of failure over the past 4 years in business too. One big life and business lesson I’ve learned is that its the 2 ‘P’s: ‘Persistence and Pondering’ that help to counter the ‘F’ word and find the insights needed to discover why we fail, what to do differently and how to transform failure into success.

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Brand: To get the ‘gold’ on your customer you have to dig. Deep.

When it comes to knowing your ‘ideal’ customer, many businesses may ‘think’ they have a clear idea or understanding of who their customers are but my experience to date tells me it pays to dig a lot deeper to truly find the ‘gold’ on your customer. Never has the old marketing mantra been so appropriate and true than it is today (with fragmented media and record levels of noise in the marketplace): one way to cut through the noise is to simply ‘know your customer’.

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Who do you think you’re talking to?

When it comes to brand and marketing, there’s one factor that many businesses, business owners and entrepreneurs are at best guilty of taking for granted and at worst completely ignoring. Yet this one crucial factor in the business model is something that we’re all guilty of glossing over or answering with

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