The Brand Entrepreneur

Brand: discover the power of identity.

Identity. It’s a powerful thing.
Underlying everything we are and do, identity is what defines us, what we hold dear, what some people strive for, what many struggle to come to terms with, what some of us fight for and, in extreme cases, what some of us die for.

Identity (which includes relevance, meaning, connection and understanding) is what many are currently searching for to define themselves and their place in this crazy world. And yet, ironically, when pressed, many of us have no clear identity of who we really are either. We’ve never really considered our own identity for two reasons – no one has ever asked us and life kind of got in the way, right?

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3 reasons why your brand needs video.

Effective videos are compelling, in-depth and emotional and with the right strategy behind it they are the perfect addition for your brand blueprint for business growth. Harnessing the power of video can therefore work wonders for increased brand awareness.

I recently met a talented documentary videographer with a distinct stylistic point of difference on my networking travels, which prompted me to write this blog about the power of brand videos in your brand storytelling strategy. We’ve all heard the saying ‘a picture tells a 1000 words’ right? If that’s the case, then what does a video add to your brand? Quite a lot as it turns out…

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Brand: two questions you need to ask before you rebrand.

Two of the most powerful questions to ask when rebranding are also two of the simplest. Unfortunately for many businesses, the simplest questions also tend to be the hardest. As always, with brand, it involves digging deep, getting into your head (and your customers’ heads) and shaping your brand’s perception.

The first million-dollar brand question is this:

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7 reasons to narrow your market focus for business growth.

Can you really shrink to greatness? How can you grow your business by narrowing your focus? As I’ve mentioned in a previous blog, a lot of brands today focus their resources and energies on the ‘brand’ itself, but the shift has already started – tomorrow ‘brand’ will be focused on building ‘community’ with an emphasis increasingly on interactions between advocates, customers and individual.

Somewhat counter intuitively, the way to build a community of like-minded people with the same values and beliefs (i.e. a brand) is not to go out and cast your net as wide as possible to anyone and everyone who will listen. Instead, get selective about your customer. Very selective…

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Brand: deliver on your promise. It’s a matter of trust.

‘Certainty in an uncertain world’: that’s the emotional and functional benefit an effective brand offers to your customers – and by reflection your business. Consumers want to know they’re standing on solid ground with your offering – not only in terms of buying value but that your delivering something they can rely on – something they can trust. Time after time.

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Brand: build a small, super-engaged community around your brand.

The most effective brands today and in the future will focus on building community, not content. While customers still want information, they really want connection and they’re looking for identity. Dig a little deeper and brand is really about giving customers something to believe in, be it purpose or fulfilment, all wrapped up around a community of similar thinking people – hence your tribe. All the more reason to get laser-focused on…

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Brand: it’s your business approach.

Many businesses believe brand is a one-time process and a one-time investment – usually involving a series of meetings, workshops or discussions over a period of time (along with the price tag) with a specialist in marketing who talks in abstractions about experiences, emotions and mission & vision statements where nothing is ever concrete or certain. This is perhaps ironic given that brand and brand strategy provides your customers with certainty in an uncertain world.

There’s also the business that believes brand is…

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Brand: How to build a ‘AAAA’ brand in 4 steps

There are four core building blocks to build a brand of substance, style and significance. Without one of these building blocks or ‘brand pillars’ your brand will collapse in on itself, because the brand will lack the necessary integrity, infrastructure or vital ingredients. These include the vision, values & belief, the framework, support, energy, human element and natural momentum to grow with your intended ‘tribe’. Remember, no one person builds a brand…

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Brand: it’s the heart of your business strategy.

There’s a common misconception in business – a misguided perception among many business owners and executives that business strategy is strategic, and brand strategy is a marketing tool – i.e. not a strategic asset. Be warned – this oversight could seriously impair your outlook, undermine your businesses’ bottom line as well as severely hamper your potential business growth.

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Brand: it’s your strategy, ‘beyond the superficial’.

Your brand is far more than just a logo, a name, a tagline or even a clever slogan. There needs to Be more substance to your brand in today’s world than just the superficial. All style and no substance no longer makes for an effective brand. And your customers know it.

Engaging with a graphic designer or hiring a creative agency to design your logo, or appointing a marketing consultant to develop a tagline or slogan will only get you so far when it comes to business growth. Successful businesses that are serious about growth…

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