7 Deadly Sins of Marketing


At Synkd we call it: ‘me,me,me’ content but you’ll know it in its more recognisable format: Pride.

Its the most common ‘sin’ or symptom of self-obsession. The guilty are easily identified by marketing copy that screams ‘I can do this’, or ‘we’ve done that’… or ‘Company XYZ has been around for 30 years’, or ‘we’re the market leader’ in such and such blah, blah, blah…
Sure it can help build credibility but as a prospective customer you’ve lost me already.

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Are you angry over a lack of leads?

Have you ever thought it may be that your offer isn’t 100% clear?
Or that your offer doesn’t speak directly to your audience?

Take one step back for a minute and consider this – perhaps its your customers who are the angry ones? Why would they be angry you ask? Maybe they’re angry over at a lack of clear direction?

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Lazy, lazy, lazy you!

Do you always play it safe?
Do you adopt a ‘wait and see’ approach?
Do you simply follow what every other business does?

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Is someone doing ‘better’ than you?
Of course they are!
There’s always someone doing better than you.

The likely reason they’re more successful is because they’re working smarter than you,
that’s to say, you’re not ‘leveraging’ your time and bringing in qualified leads.

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Are you being greedy or more to the point are you being selfish?

Are you always focusing on yourself, and never your customer?

‘Not knowing your audience’ is a business owners’ classic cardinal sin.

Absolve yourself. Put yourself in your customer’s shoes and brainstorm campaigns that target their specific interests and problems.

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Overdoing it with your content or messaging?

Content is the new ‘King’ but as your grandma may have warned ‘don’t over-indulge or you’ll bulge!’

Business owners who understand how content marketing can help build their business profits are often guilty of over-indulging on the type of content generated as well as the quantity of platforms they use and the frequency of postings online.

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Are you a business sinner or a business saint?

Are you committing any of the following 7 deadly sins of business marketing?

The ability to effectively market your business in today’s ever increasingly noisy marketplace is key to delivering a stream of qualified leads to your door and ultimately determines the level of your business success*.

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