Synkd Blog

7 Deadly Sins #1 – Lust

Are you a business sinner or a business saint?

Are you committing any of the following 7 deadly sins of business marketing?

The ability to effectively market your business in today’s ever increasingly noisy marketplace is key to delivering a stream of qualified leads to your door and ultimately determines the level of your business success*.

The latest surveys suggest that the average consumer is bombarded with between 3,000 and 5,000 marketing messages per day, every day**. Therefore the challenge to be heard above all other messages increases daily. In such a crowded space costly marketing mistakes will inevitably occur.

So for all you sinners (or saints) out there, over the next 16 days look out and follow Synkd’s guide to the seven deadly sins that every business owner commits. Yes, even you! Be sure to tune in and get involved (and watch the vids!) Ask yourself ‘How many ‘sins’ are you guilty of committing?’

So here we go. The countdown begins…

Sin #1: Lust… pleasing the masses (or getting into bed with everyone).

You may have heard the following expression: ‘If you try to be everything to everyone, then you’re nothing to no-one!’

Too many business owners target the mass market with too general a message. The misguided belief is that a wider reach with a broader message should end with better results. Cast your ‘net’ wide and reap the rewards? No, no, no! The trouble is, the rules have changed!

Today the smarter strategy requires targeting a specific market niche that share similar needs and wants. Select targeted channels where your best customers are more likely to listen and you’ll be able to create messages that speak directly to and solve your customers’ problems. See your leads and conversions increase as a result!

The big picture goal? Dominate the market gradually and build up your niche. So resist the temptation to jump into bed with any old customer, be selective and start playing hard-to-get!

Keep an eye on our FB page for the next exciting instalment and repent for your marketing sins 🙂


* of course this depends on whatever ‘success’ specifically means to you – in this case we’re simply implying financial and economic success.

**A recent study by Yankelvich Consumer Research, NY.


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