Synkd Blog
The Brand Entrepreneur

Brand: Beyond the facts…

Defining and knowing who your ‘ideal’ customer is one of the key pillars to brand and business success. Knowing specifically what makes your ‘ideal’ customer ‘tick’ isn’t just about knowing the main facts. Its essential in today’s busy global marketplace to look deeper in order to resonate and ‘connect’ to cut through the huge amount of noise and constant mental barrage of messages.

Of the thousands of messages any one person absorbs each and every day, only around 3% make it through our natural in-built ‘filters’. Since we’re all essentially human ‘information collectors’, getting through this mental filter (which is primed to avoid ‘fear’ and ‘pain’ or perceived ‘threats’) is yours and every other businesses’ daily challenge. Knowing your customer on a far deeper level can therefore give you an unfair competitive advantage because you can use the information to your advantage.

Knowing your ‘ideal’ customer means identifying what they actually want or need (and knowing the difference between the two!). We also need to know how you can help your customer – how you solve their specific problem, how your solution is different from your competitors, how your customer  communicates (there are distinct and different styles), how they like to be communicated ‘to’, and what values and beliefs they hold dear. This is the blueprint for a smarter way to brand and market your business and why I created ‘My Avatar’ – to help businesses connect to their ‘ideal’ customer.

Knowing these crucial details is the secret to creating more effective brand, marketing and business results.

The true value however lies in the insights – those truisms that lie ‘beyond the facts’.
Insights lie beyond the typical superficial answers of who, what and when and help to pin point the absolute heart, head and soul of your customer.

In an uncertain world, people cling to ‘facts’ for reassurance, as mental guide ropes or pillars of strength to lean on for surety and certainty. Knowing a name, age, gender and income bracket is good but it doesn’t do much to invite or create a true connection or understanding. We have no true understanding or ‘knowing’ beyond the basic facts and that’s where most businesses fall down or struggle.

True power and insights are gleaned by looking beyond what is already known about our customers (which quite often are prejudices too).

Knowing your customer will open your business up to greater insights. Greater insights lead to greater understanding. Greater understanding leads to greater connection and greater connection leads to greater sales and brand success. Since brand and branding is all about values, what we stand for and how we connect to each other through shared or similar values, it’s crucial that we get beyond the facts for greater brand engagement and brand success.

If brand is all about providing certainty in an uncertain world, then removing doubt and providing reassurances through a brand promise are key brand pillars. Knowing your ideal customer provides
the space and solution to address these desires and mounting fears.

The simplicity of this concept just makes good brand and marketing sense, because in uncertain times and with uncertain global leadership, everyone is looking for truth, connection and relevance.

Get ‘in sync’ with your ideal customer to learn their truth, achieve that connection and discover your brand and business relevance. The solution to your problem is knowing your ‘ideal’ customer – get to know ‘My Avatar’. The gift is ‘My Avatar’.


I hope you gained some benefit from this blog or learned something new, insightful or useful.

I believe in and am focused on helping busy business owners and savvy entrepreneurs to ‘brand and market smarter’ by deeply defining and finding their ‘ideal’ customer. I do this with The 60 minute ‘My Avatar’ Workshop. I am The Brand Entrepreneur. Successful brands in the future care about customers, not branding. I believe that future is now. I’m passionate and focused on creating brand stories & design assets that help brands get ‘in sync’ and connected to customers they ‘care’ about.

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